Blog Terminal - A Wordpress Terminal Plugin

You might have noticed a new entry quietly appearing on the project page. So, let me introduce it to you. The new entrant is Blog Terminal, a Wordpress plugin for drawing a terminal-like box, complete with prompt. If you have read some of my other blog posts, Blog Terminal is what powers the terminal boxes in them. For the longest time I have used Post Terminal plugin by Brandon Griffith. But there were some things I did not like about it. Namely, it was not possible to draw a terminal without a prompt (for showing example configs). Furthermore, since it did not take advantage of many of the Wordpress APIs, the code was unnecessarily complicated. This made it hard to add new features. Therefore, I have decided to completely rewrite it.


The result is much leaner and easier to maintain code base, that tries to use Wordpress API’s as much as possible. The unwieldy syntax was replaced by [[terminal][/terminal]] shortcode. In addition, lines in terminal are now separated by regular newlines, instead of HTML tags. And prompt now only shows on the lines starting with ‘$’. Finally, the default look is more minimalist:

$ echo "Blog Terminal"


To learn more about Blog Terminal, see its Wordpress page. If you have ideas for the plugin, want to report a bug or help with the development, head over to the project page.