Fix Neovim Colors in Tmux

When I switched to Neovim, I ran into an unexpected issue. My favorite theme, Solarized, did not display correctly. Strangely enough, other schemes worked just fine.

After some investigation, I realized this only happened within a Tmux session. I always assumed setting $TERM to screen-256color was sufficient for modern color rendering. But it turns out, there is one more step to enable proper colors in Tmux.

The Fix

To get Solarized (or any other TrueColor Neovim scheme) working, you need to enable the following option to your Tmux configuration:

set -as terminal-features ',xterm*:RGB'

Why This Works

This arcane invocation tells Tmux that your terminal supports 24-bit TrueColor. Without this setting, Tmux defaults to 256-color mode, which may not render certain themes correctly.

In the terminfo specification, the RGB capability indicates TrueColor support. This line explicitly enables that feature for terminals that match the pattern xterm*.

Verifying TrueColor Support

To ensure your terminal supports TrueColor, run the following command:

echo -e "\e[48;2;255;0;0m   \e[48;2;0;255;0m   \e[48;2;0;0;255m   \e[0m"

If the colors render correctly, your terminal is ready for TrueColor.


With this tweak, the Solarized theme now works perfectly in Neovim within Tmux. If you’re using a modern terminal, make sure to enable TrueColor for the best visual experience. Have fun customizing your setup!